
What to Do to Prevent Birds from Making a Nest at Your Home

It is true that birds can easily capture your attention with their beautiful songs, but when they start taking over your homes, it’s another story. Once you notice that birds are starting to build nests in your outdoor area, you have to take action. Don’t wait for the situation to worsen.  Not only will they block your ventilation system, they will also transmit harmful diseases.

Don’t worry because there is something you can do to keep birds from nesting in your homes. We’ve compiled a few ideas below.

1. Consider using scare tactics.

One effective way to keep birds from nesting and roosting in your homes is to scare them away. That way, they won’t feel welcome. Below are some scare tactics you can use:

  • Plastic Owls and Fake Coyotes – Predators are among the many reasons why birds won’t make a nest in a certain place. So, why not create fake predators to prevent them from making a home in your own? Install plastic owls and fake coyotes within your area. Do not forget to move them around frequently so that birds will not think they are fake.
  • Noise Machines – A noisy environment doesn’t favor birds. For them, it makes them feel uncomfortable. But before you decide to install noisy machines around your home, make sure your neighbors are okay with it. In addition, you need to set it low enough so as not to disturb them.

2. Consider installing physical barriers.

One of the easiest ways to keep birds from building a nest at your roof or ledges is to install a physical barrier. Here are some physical bird barriers available today:

  • Bird Wires – Bird wires are like typical netting installations that utilize several poles to position wires along the ledges. The poles used often have varying height, which creates an uneven roosting place for birds.
  • Bird Netting – Bird nets are readily available in the hardware or in the local market. They are used to keep birds from certain areas that should be off limit to birds, such as the garden. These nets are not only effective at keeping birds at bay, they also repel other pesky critters, too!
  • Bird Spikes – Ideal for flat surfaces and building ledges, bird spikes can deter large bird species from building nests. Although they require regular cleaning once in a while, they are still opted by many homeowners.

3. Hang reflective bird diverters.

To keep birds from roosting in your perches, hang reflective bird diverters. If possible, these reflectors should mimic the eyes of any predator, such as owls and coyotes. As these diverters move and sway, birds should be scared, keeping them away from your porch.

Final Thoughts

Now, if you think you have done everything you can to keep birds from making a nest in your home, but they insist on building a nest, just be responsible. Never use poisons or sticky gels. These methods are inhumane and will only result in injuries.

The best thing you can do is to contact experts like SOS Wildlife Control. These experts can handle the problem in the best possible and humane way.

The West Nile Virus in Ontario

The West Nile Virus in Ontario

By now you’ve probably seen all the reports on the news about the impending West Nile Virus breakout coming to Ontario. It’s a serious issue and we believe the best way to combat it is through knowledge and awareness.

In case you’ve been out of the loop enjoying the summer here’s a report from CBC News that will get you up to speed:

What is the West Nile Virus?

West Nile Virus is an infection of the brain, known as encephalitis which was first identified in Uganda in 1937. It’s common in Africa, West Asia and the Middle East. West Nile is commonly spread by mosquitoes. There is currently no evidence that states that West Nile can be spread from person to person.

What are the symptoms of West Nile Virus?

The problem with West Nile is that symptoms are usually mild and end up going untreated. Some symptoms include:

  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Body aches
  • Skin rash
  • Swollen lymph nodes

Symptoms of severe cases include:

  • Stiff neck
  • Sleepinesss
  • Disorientation
  • Coma
  • Tremors
  • Convulsions
  • Paralysis

Severe cases only affect about 1% of sufferers.

How do people get West Nile Virus?

West Nile virus is spread by mosquitoes and their bites. Mosquitoes become infected when they feed on birds that are also infected. West Nile can also be spread by birds , which can amplify the spread of the disease when mosquitoes feed on the infected birds.  Crows are most commonly infected, although more than 200 bird species have been confirmed carriers of the virus.

Mosquitoes spread the disease when they bite and suck blood from people and animals. The incubation period (the time from infection to development of symptoms is five to 15 days.

As mentioned above West Nile virus is not contagious between humans, one cannot get the virus from touching or kissing an infected person

What kinds if treatments are available for the West Nile Virus?

Diagnosis of West Nile virus is confirmed with a blood or cerebrospinal fluid test. There is not specific treatment available at the time. Most treatment is directed towrd relief efforts and complications of brain infections. Over the counter medication can be used in milder cases to help relieve pain such as Advil or Aspirin.

In more severe cases anti-inflammatory medications, intravenous fluids and intensive medical monitoring may be prescribed.

What can you do to prevent West Nile Virus in your community?

Here’s what we recommend to help prevent catching West Nile virus:

  • Try to stay indoors at dawn, dusk and the early evening, this is when mosquitoes usually come out to feed
  • Wear long sleeved shirts and pants to prevent getting bit
  • Apply insect replant to any exposed skin. An effective repelant contains 20%-30% DEET (N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide). DEET concentrations higher than 30% may cause side effects especially with children and babies. Avoid applying repelant to very young children as they may get in their mouths and eyes.
  • Spray thin clothing with repellent containing perminthirin or DEET to prevent mosquitoes from biting through thin clothing.
  • Install or secure door and window screens, use air conditioning and remove any standing water.
  • If you find a dead bird make sure you have it removed as soon as possible to prevent mosquitoes from gathering around it and picking up the virus.

Here’s what you can do for your neighborhood

  • Remove any standing water from your block. This can be close to drains, bird baths and inside gutters.
  • Take note of the bird population in your area. If you see an increase, make sure to take extra personal precautions as they can easilr5y become new virus spreaders.

Although we do not specialize in the removal of mosquitoes, we can help you with your bird removal needs which is a crucial part of West Nile prevention.

Birds are usually classified as pests when they make their nests people’s properties They tend to foul everything they land on with their droppings, which may lead to health hazards. Therefore, there is the need to remove them from our homes without causing harm to them. In Ontario most birds, including their nests and eggs are protected under law – The Migratory Bird Treaty. However there are three birds indigenous to North America that are considered nuisance pests and are not protected under law. They are the Sparrow, Starling and Pigeon. They are over populated in Toronto and the GTA, however they must be humanely removed.

Call today toll-free 1-800-981-0330 to schedule humane bird removal.

How to get rid of birds in your backyard

How to get rid of birds in your backyard

Problems caused by birds

Birds end up inside homes by flying, or walking, in through windows or doors, or more commonly through attics, rooftop eves, a crack in your siding, ceiling, or roof. Ending up in a home is as terrifying for the bird as it may be for you. It can be even more chaotic if you have a cat in the house as they will chase the bird around and most likely cause some property damage, or at the minimum leave you with a mess to clean up. Bird removal needs to be done quickly and humanely for your property and for your safety. Birds in or around your home can cause damages that may not be as superficial as well:

  • Droppings can clog stain, corrode and damage building materials
  • Droppings can become a safety hazard as well, as they could cause slip and falls.
  • A bird’s nest can become a fire hazard if it’s close to any lighting or any electrical equipment.
  • Birds nested in or around food production or warehouse infrastructure may contaminate equipment or even worse, the products going to customers.
  • Large bird population, birds roosted in trees and birds inside chimney’s, drop ceilings, vents, or flues can become a nuisance because of all the noise they make

Birds especially become a problem if they start to build nests (which they can do very quickly), because they will return frequently and the noise created by the offspring will become a nuisance. We at SOS Wildlife Control bird removal services make sure to take great care to ensure that birds and their offspring are relocated somewhere where they have the best odds of survival and can adjust quickly.

Easy ways to get rid of birds

Bird removal can be done with various do it yourself techniques. If you feel the bird is small enough and is fairly calm, there are some techniques to get birds out of your home. Remember that killing the bird or birds is never the right answer. In most cases the bird(s) are just looking for shelter for themselves or their offspring or are lost and confused because they were recently taken out of their normal territory. Having said that here are some steps you can take to remove the bird or birds yourself:

  • Identify the type of bird

    1. Some birds are easy to identify because they may be common in your area, or you really know your birds. It’s important to identify the bird first because some species are protected by law and have special regulations as to how they can be treated
    2. To find out the species take note of its color, shape, and behaviors.
  • Determine if you can remove the bird

    1. Check your local laws and regulations if you can legally remove the bird or birds
    2. If it is legal to remove the bird or birds check if there are any laws around the limits on how far out you can release the bird
    3. If you see a nest, don’t do anything until 2 weeks after the eggs have hatched.
  • Remove any nests

    1. If legally allowed ,you can remove the nest signalling that the habitat is hostile to the bird.
    2. Clean the area with disinfectant after removing the nest
    3. If you catch the bird trying to rebuild the nest, knock it off as soon as possible

If the bird is violent, large or returns frequently, you’ll want to call a technician. Birds can do serious damage if provoked and especially when protecting its eggs.

What is Bird Control and why is important

Our bird removal service is done by the best technicians with humane, ethical techniques. As mentioned above certain birds are protected by law and have regulations around them. You don’t want to deal with a city fine on top of the cost of removing your bird problem.

Effective bird removal by a professional

We provide fast, effective and, most importantly, humane animal control services with your needs and concerns at the forefront of all our decisions.  We first to a thorough inspection and based off our  situation analysis we explain where that main entry points are, as well as other vulnerable spots and potential future entry points. Based off this information we lay out the nest options to tackle the issue head on with you and your property and the structure of your property as our first priority as well as the safety of animals.

There are four different methods we use to get birds off and away from your property

The most common method of removal is called the “one way door method” in which a one way door is installed and when the bird or birds leave as part of their regular routine, the door becomes sealed and they will not be able to re-enter.

Bird Spikes

Bird spikes are installed upon flat services where the birds nest, for example ledges and signs. Spikes are the most common tactic used for bird removal as they are durable and effective. The spikes don’t hurt the bird but make it impossible for them to land. They may be an eye sore, but they are better than unsightly and unsanitary bird feces. Bird spikes are attached using a very strong adhesive so they are durable. Each spike strip can range from 3 inches to 7 inches depending on the area to be covered.

Bird Netting

Bird netting is used to block birds from much larger areas such as balconies or parking garages. Bird netting is extremely durable and can be expected to last many years. A stainless steel cable is attached around the perimeter of the area to be excluded and the net is attached using small steel rings. It is a permanent solution providing excellent bird control.

Shock Track

Shock track is a discreet bird control deterrent system that has the advantage of deterring all species of birds. It employees an intermittent electric pulse which while unpleasant, does not injure birds in any way. The track is less than an inch in height so it is excellent in areas where aesthetics are important.

In the event where the birds had babies in the house the one way door method is not used, rather our technician will physically remove the babies from the house and place them into an insulated box where they will stay until the mother comes and picks them up. The mother then relocates each baby one by one.


Call today toll-free 1-866-526-6329 to schedule humane bird removal


Tips to get Rid of Birds on your Property

Nuisance birds on your property can, and have been a problem for many Toronto and York Region residents for a long time. People often tolerate these dilemmas for long periods of times before they throw in the towel and call a professional. There are several reasons why bird removal, or any type of wildlife removal is left unresolved for a while before calling, which could stem from finances, to lack of time or even just for the sake of putting it off.

Here we touch base with the importance of what Bird Removal is, why it is so important, what common bird problems occur and the easiest way to get rid of birds.

What is Bird Removal & why is it Important?

  • Bird removal are a series of methods and strategies used to get rid of birds on your property.
  • Bird removal is important because if left untreated the bird population increases, which complicates the removal process
  • Bird droppings can be toxic
  • Bird’s nests can be dangerous when they are perched on and around wires that could lead to safety hazards

Conducting bird removal before the situation escalated is always recommended for a number of reasons. In addition to the list above, birds also can cause problems like leaving nesting material nearby or in drain pipes which could lead to water damage. The sight of bird droppings are unpleasant and the chance of being victim to bird dropping is less than favourable. If bird removal is left untreated for long period of time, there is a likelihood that the bird population will increase further complicating the situation. Dealing with bird removal as early on as possible can save you in time, damages, and costs in the future.

What is the Problem with Birds?

Although bird watching from afar can be mesmerizing, having birds up-close and on your Personal Property can be a problem.

Here’s why:

  • Bird’s droppings can stain property and damage building materials.
  • Bird nests can also clog drains which leads to water damage.
  • Nuisance bird noises throughout the day
  • Birds perching on your property

What’s the Easiest way to get Rid of Birds?

It’s easy to think that birds are the easiest things to get rid of compared to getting rid of mice or bugs. We assume that we can just chase a bird and they fly away and never come back, but unfortunately this is not the case. Birds need to be Removed by professionals; the easiest way to remove birds is to call a wildlife removal company like SOS Wildlife Control Inc.

Some of the Methods that we use to Conduct Bird Removal are the following:

  • Bird Spikes

Bird spikes are tracks that are installed over flat surfaces that make it impossible for birds to land on. It causes no harm to the animal, it simply ensures that the bird won’t be able to perch on this location! Bird spikes are durable and effective, requiring little to no maintenance.

  • Bird Nets

Bird netting is a method of bird prevention that uses stainless steel cables and nets to block off a specific area from birds. This is a permanent solution as long as the netting is not tampered with.

  • Shock Track

A shock track is installed on ledges or any flat surfaces where birds are not welcome to perch. It is useful from deterring all species of birds by releasing an electric pulse. This method does not injure birds, however it is unpleasant resulting in the discouragement of birds on your property./

  • One-Way Door

A one-way door is our most commonly used removal method for birds. A one-way door is fit to a specific entry point which allows the bird to exit but not re-enter the property.

If you notice signs of wildlife in your house give us a call. At SOS wildlife control, we provide superior pest control services for residential, commercial and industrial clients, guaranteeing effective results every single time.. Taking action before it’s too late will help eliminate animal damage repair costs. We can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait and call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests in the most humane way possible.

Wildlife in Mississauga, Brampton, North York

Last Updated: June 2016

Morning in Brampton

By 7:30 am SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated technicians were on the road, ready to begin the day bright and early on the highway from North York to Brampton. A typical day for our technicians consists of driving out to all corners of the city to meet with customers and helping them solve their wildlife and pest control problems.

This specific case was for a customer who had been living in a single-detached house with raccoons above her head in the attic for about a week. She had been hearing noises of scratching, moving around and some chirping type sounds, which is a common occurrence for people who are or have experienced this. “I hear them around 5-6 am in the morning” she told SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated professionals. After a receiving some details on the whereabouts, habits, noises of the raccoon, another furry masked mammal was spotted across the street on a neighbors property. It was evident that the occurrences of people experiencing raccoon problems in the area was common.

Not too long after, our technician Sherwin was on his way up the ladder onto the customer’s roof for an inspection. SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated documents by video-recording entry ways, possible entrances and damages for the customer to see. On this property it was apparent that raccoons were going through a makeshift entrance of a hole in the soffit. What was found was that not only raccoons were getting through this hole, but so were birds who had flown in and around during the visit. Along with the damage in the soffit were additional likely entrances for the raccoon to go through. After a thorough inspection, SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated technician made our recommendations to prevent wildlife entrances by proofing the different types of roof vents.

Wildlife In Mississauga

After a stop in Concord ON., later in the morning, SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated professionals were making their way to handle a problem of wildlife in Mississauga where they had a customer in a commercial building experiencing squirrel problems. Ladders were propped up against the wall of the building and SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated professionals made their way up onto the roof. Building occupants complain that there had been squirrels running through the ceiling and on one instance had gotten into the hallway of the building where they had spent a Friday chasing it out. With no luck, they had called SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated to help take care of it. Upon inspection, SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated technicians found entrance points that required squirrel one-way doors – an installation that allowed squirrels to get out of the building, but not reenter. One-way doors used by SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated are made from galvanized steel mesh, a type of material strong enough to keep wildlife from damaging it.

North York by Noon

The next trip was back to North York where SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated had a customer who had previously experienced raccoons in the attic. A one-way door installation had been conducted near the edge of the roof top and SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated technicians were there today removing the door after the raccoon had left, and replaced it with galvanized steel mesh, a prevention method used to keep wildlife from chewing through and re-entering. A minor roof repair was completed, and the job was done.

SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated technicians work hard to provide our customers with the results the want by delivering professional, effective and efficient services. If you’re experiencing wildlife nuisances on your property, give us a call at 1.800.981.0330 to schedule an appointment. We are available 24/7 for emergency situations (wildlife in your immediate vicinity).

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