Types of Damages Pests can do to your Property

Garden pests seem like a small problem, but these issues can actually escalate very quickly. Many people dismiss garden pests, as a small situation but this blog will help educate you on some of the damage that garden pests can do to your property.


When you think of raccoons you just think about them passing through, grabbing a quite bite from your garbage and simply leaving to go about their business, but what actually happens can be more of a problem than you think.

Raccoons are capable of so much. With their nimble hands and their level of intelligence, raccoons have the ability to get into people’s properties and raise their young or make a mess!

Raccoons are also susceptible to carrying parasites and if raccoons travel around your property a lot, these parasites could make it into your home. Some raccoons carry roundworms which is passed through feces. If a raccoon leaves droppings on people’s property, either a dog or a small child playing in the garden can catch something or bring it in the home

The damage roundworms cause should be taken very seriously


Skunks are known for their defensive ability to spray unpleasant smells, but skunks are capable of so much more! Skunks often find shelter under sheds or decks which is a nuisance for property owners who simply want to go about their day without fear of wildlife nearby. They are capable of catching certain disease or virus’s and are prone to digging up lawns both which are problems and concerns for people.

Here are a list of skunk concerns

  • Skunks are susceptible to catching diseases and viruses. If contracted, the likelihood of it spreading to somebody on your property is increased.
  • Skunks use their spray as a defense when feeling threatened. You never know if what you’re doing could aggravate the skunk, causing them to spray, leaving you with a foul odor that can last a while
  • Some pets either get upset or excited when they see wildlife on the property. Either way, their reaction could startle wildlife which could cause them to respond unfavorably.
  • Skunks like to dig in people’s yards. The reason for this is to feed on the larvae. Although they may find their meal for the day, all you’ll find are messes in your yard and garden.


Squirrels are interesting, adorable, quick footed mammals, but their appearance does not take away from the damage they can cause you and how that can cost you.

Some common squirrel problems include the following

  • Squirrels chewing through roof vents
  • Creating entry points through the outside of the property
  • Biting through wires in the attic
  • Leaving droppings on your property
  • Making messes with the insulation

Squirrel, like other small mammals are also capable of contracting different diseases and viruses like rabies. Although not all squirrels have the virus, hosting skunks on your property only increases the likelihood of it spreading to somebody within the vicinity.


Birds although are an amazement when watching them from a far, can actually be a nuisance when the birds come down to being on your property. Some of the common bird problems that occur include

  • Noisy bird sounds bothering people throughout the day
  • Creating nests for their young and making messes in the process
  • Leaving droppings all over the area (which in some cases can be toxic)
  • Perching on your property could bother some

There are 3 specific birds that are considered as nuisance wildlife animals, and are the only ones that can be interfered with according to Ontario law. These birds include the Pigeon, the Sparrow and the Starlings.

There are several methods in conducting nuisance wildlife removal in your garden or on your property, and although they may work at first, the results are usually temporary and you may be faced with the same, or similar problem again (costing you more in the long run). With SOS Wildlife Control you can be sure that our methods are humane, professional and effective. Our technicians are trained, licensed and have years of experience when conducting wildlife removal processes. Whether you’re faced with a raccoon, squirrel or bird in your garden or anywhere else on your property, you can be sure that SOS Wildlife Control will give you the results you want.

If you notice signs of wildlife in your house give us a call. At SOS Wildlife, we provide superior wildlife removal for residential, commercial, and industrial clients, guaranteeing effective results every single time. Let us help you solve your wildlife problems. Taking action before it’s too late will help eliminate animal damage repair costs. We are can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait and call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests in the most humane way possible.

Call SOS Wildlife Control at  1.800.981.0330 for Markham Raccoon Removal!

Skunk Under Decking

Last Updated: May 2016

Do you have a Skunk Under Decking?

What do you do if you find a skunk under decking, or a skunk under a porch or even anywhere on your property? First step is to keep a safe distance as a skunk can spray up to 10 ft. The smell is vile and it is difficult to remove.

A skunk under decking is very common as it is a nice isolated area for them to make their home, but it’s important for you to remove them as they will keep returning to that den. You may first realize you have a skunk by it’s smell, its very potent, or you may see it entering and leaving at night, either way it’s best to call a professional for skunk removal.

How to know you have a Skunk Under Decking

Four ways to identify if you have a Skunk Under Decking is sight, damage or odor.


The easiest way to know you have a skunk is to spot it. You may see it entering or leaving however this could be rare as they are very skilled at staying hidden. Skunks are nocturnal and they enter and leave mainly at night.


You can also identify a skunk problem by the damage they cause. They often will destroy things that gets in their way in their search for food. They will knock over garbage cans, break glass, and destroy property. The longer you have a Skunk Under Decking the more damage they will cause. Having a skunk for two weeks will cause a lot of damage to your property.

What to do if you have a Skunk Under Decking?

Eliminate Attractants

Other ways you can resolve a skunk problem without trapping the animal is to eliminate whatever is attracting the skunk to your property – garbage, pet food, assess your house for weak points where they may enter.

There are several risks when conducting do-it-yourself skunk removal and you may spend a lot of time and money on gimmicks that work only temporarily. We really do highly recommend hiring someone to remove skunks professionally. We do not advise you to try live trapping.

Read our Skunk removal page to learn how we professional remove skunks. The most humane way is using a one-way door as there is little to no human-wildlife interaction.

Prevent future Skunk Under Decking

To prevent future animals entering your home, SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated provides wildlife prevention for your home. Wildlife Prevention will help keep them out and is a long term solution. Read our Wildlife Prevention page for more information.

Call SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated for Skunk Removal
