Ways to Control Wildlife at Home This Winter

Cold winter weather often sends rodents scrambling towards warm shelter and your house could be next. Read more to learn about the various ways that you can prevent these pests from entering your home this winter.

As the cold weather begins to quickly approach, the streets become emptier while we take shelter in our homes to avoid the cool winter chill. Similarly, rodents mimic this behaviour and are unfortunately notorious for invading approximately 21 million homes each year with roughly 45% of these intrusions occurring during the fall and winter. Consequently, pests in houses have created an ongoing series of mouse problems across the GTA, but don’t panic – we have a few tips and tricks that you can follow this winter!

Evaluate the Exterior

Rodents vary in size and have a unique body structure that gives them the physical ability to fit in and between confined spaces. Rats can squeeze through pathways the size of a quarter and mice can successfully pass through spaces the size of a dime, while a raccoon-sized creature can enter through an opening as wide as 6-inches. As a result, when examining your home’s exterior walls, SOS Wildlife Control recommends you to look for light coming through cracks. Pay special attention to areas where utility pipes are present; any form of damage can act as an entryway for pests, as they may enter your home through sink and bathtub drains. Another tip is to feel for air movement between crevices which may ultimately point you to a crack that may have been missed and to replace loose mortar and weather stripping.

Rodents are scavengers and generally have sharp teeth to complement their lifestyles. Rats and mice have sharp teeth known as incisors, which are highly specialized for gnawing on and through tough material. With this in mind, SOS Wildlife Control highly suggests homeowners to fill larger gaps on exterior walls with thick material including pieces of steel wool. The roughness of the steel fibres makes it difficult for rodents to gnaw through the material.

Focus on Windows and Doors

These are the most likely entry points for pests. If you plan on ever leaving your windows or doors open, you should fit them with screens, or check any existing screens for tears. Inspect the doors and windows for any cracks and seal any with inexpensive caulk or foam, if present. Once again, feel for air movement that may be a result of a present draft from your windows and doors.

Put Screens on Vents

Not every hole should be plugged up. Some are there for a reason, such as air vents in the kitchen or under cupboards. Installing screens allows air ventilation to take place while ensuring your home’s security against unwanted pests. Rodents (mice in particular) are both scavengers and mobile animals so be sure to replace or mend damaged screens immediately to prevent them from traveling in and around pathways throughout your home.

Control Your Garden

Plants close to the house provide a haven for insects and rodents as they await their chance to dart through an open door.  More importantly, the presence of fresh food is a key factor that causes pests to continually visit homes. Rats and mice feed on a variety of fruits and vegetables; popular garden fruits and vegetables that these animals take a liking to include carrots, cabbage, blueberries blackberries. To reduce the likelihood of rodents invading your home, keep garden plants about 1 to 2 feet away from the house. Like raccoons, rats and mice are known to scavenge through garbage bins while seeking for food. To reduce the likelihood of rodents loitering around your home, secure your garbage bins shut and place them an agreeable distance from home entry points. If you have any pets, it is also advised that you feed them away from doors and windows as well, due to the fact that numerous pet foods such as bird seeds have been known to attract these scavengers.

Monitor, monitor and monitor

Vigilance is key. Pests mount their primary attacks on our homes twice a year – president of Green Earth Pest Control, Josh Alpert says. It often happens once the temperature drops at the beginning of winter, and once when it goes up again as summer starts.  Therefore, being aware and taking proactive action towards home safety is important this time of year.  

If Your House is Invaded by Pests:


  • Identify the animal


You need to know what you’re dealing with so you can better prepare yourself to get the job done. It can sometimes be difficult to catch a glimpse of the intruder but there are a few indicators that may point you in the right direction. For instance, fecal droppings, chewed wires and gnawed baseboards may indicate the presence of a mouse or rat. A quick Internet search may also help you identify your intruder.


  • Plan a course of action


Eliminating unwanted pests isn’t as scary as you may think it is. Once you have identified the intruder, plan and take a course of action to get the intruder out of your home once and for all. A series of over-the-counter products can be used to help treat these pests.  


  • Leave it to the professionals of SOS Wildlife


Getting rid of unwanted house pests may sometimes cause you a hard time and may become dangerous, so it is important to know where to draw the line and when to call the professionals at SOS Wildlife. For your safety and the animal’s, contact us at (647) 994-9453!

If you notice signs of wildlife in your house give us a call. At SOS Wildlife, we provide superior wildlife removal services for residential, commercial, and industrial clients, guaranteeing effective results. Let us help you solve your wildlife problems. Taking action before it’s too late will help eliminate animal damage repair costs. We are available 24/7, 365 days a year for EMERGENCY wildlife nuisances, and can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait and call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests in the most humane way possible.

Call SOS Wildlife 1.800.981.0330 for Pest and Wildlife Removal!

What’s the difference between rats and mice?

Rats, mice. Mice, rats. Little squeaky noised rodents that are all the same. Right?

While although mice and rats have many similarities in both physical appearance and behaviour, they are not the same. Both rodents? Yes. Both small? Yes. Both possible problems for the average homeowner/property owner? Yes. Same rodent? Nope!

The names mice and rat have always been used interchangeably to describe these rodents running around the property, but should they?  Mice and rats have some significant differences when it comes down to it, but what is important to know are the different types of damages they can cause.

There’s a reason as to why rats and mice are often mixed up, so let’s start with the similarities: The main reason why these two are regarded as the same is because of how they look. Both mice and rats are small rodents, with rounded bodies, a pointed snout with ears that stick up and a long tail. They both scurry through the city, finding their ways into basement, kitchens and hiding between walls, looking for shelter and a reliable food source.

What’s the difference between a rat and mice?

Let’s break it down and identify some of the different characteristics mice and rats have from each other.


  • Mice have larger ears than rats
  • Smaller in size (3-10cm)
  • Weighs up to 19g
  • Long hairy tail
  • Lifespan avg. 2 years
  • Smaller droppings
  • Mostly herbivore


  • Larger than mice (can grow up to 40cm)
  • Smaller pointed ears
  • Hairless tails
  • Rats can weigh over 100g
  • Larger droppings
  • Known as omnivorous/opportunistic eaters
  • Stronger and therefore can cause more damage than mice
  • Lifespan avg. 2.5 years

Knowing some of these key identifying factors can be helpful for you when determining whether you have a mice or rat living on your property.

What are the dangers of having these critters in your house?

Whether you’re hosting either mice on your property, or rats, regardless of the rodent, you’re going to want to have it removed. While they do have many differences as mentioned above, another thing they do have in common (although not always to the same degree) are some of the risks.

Here are some things to be aware of and take precautions for if you’re experiencing any rodent problem

  • Rodents catching and transferring different bacteria, germs
  • Droppings from rodents can potentially be a health risk
  • Possible carriers of parasites
  • Getting bitten or scratched
  • Chewing through your wires
  • Growing population on your property
  • Nuisance for your pets
  • Chewing through structure of property or through personal belongings
  • Leaving droppings and making a mess

And more

Why you should get professional help

Although there are many rat and mice control solutions out there on the market or DIY methods online, they may not always be the most effective nor safest solution.

Getting professional wildlife and pest control services is recommended especially if you have had no previous experience dealing with these sorts of problems. Hiring a professional ensures that the safety precautions are taken, that proper methods are instilled, that effective measures are put in to place and that you will get the results you want.

The sooner you call, the faster you can eliminate the chance of an increasing rodent infestation! If you notice signs of wildlife in your house give us a call. At SOS wildlife control, we provide superior pest control services for residential, commercial and industrial clients, guaranteeing effective results every single time. Let us help you solve your wildlife problems. Taking action before it’s too late will help eliminate animal damage repair costs. We can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait and call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests in the most humane way possible.

Rodent Removal

Last Updated: May 2016

With the cold weather approaching you may start to find unwanted guests in your home, pests like mice and rats in particular! The cold drives them into your home for heat and if they find a food source and adequate shelter, they will stay. When mice or rats enter your home you need rodent removal immediately. These rodents pose serious health risks for humans. Mice and rats are known to carry diseases, bacteria, viruses and parasites.

Signs Rodents are in your house

A sign that you need rodent removal is when you see mice droppings or rat droppings usually in the form of small dark pellets. You may see bits of chewed-up food packages and holes in and around foundation and walls. You might also be able to hear them in your walls or ceiling. And of course, seeing a mice run across the floor is also clear evidence. They often lurk in the basement, the kitchen, the pantry and even your bedroom.

Toronto Rodent Infestation

Toronto homes are ideal for rodents as many of them have a significant amount of years on them. Due to the normal aging process of a structure, they often develop many nooks and crannies through which rats and mice can enter. Many Toronto homes have cavity wall structures, which means there is a space between brickwork on the outside and drywall on the inside for the purposes of insulation. Rats and mice can enter through spaces in the wall and search out floorboards to come up through. To help prevent rodent problems, cover up all exterior holes and cracks on your property using wire mesh and spray foam insulation. You can do this yourself but it;s recommended to hire a professional. A professional will be familiar with the common places to look in and will be able to properly handle it. Professionals know how to identify entry points, nesting sites, areas of activity and where to place the traps. Although residents use glue boards, snap traps and rat poison to try to get rid of mice and rats, you need to remember that pest control companies are regulated by Ontario and are trained and licensed on how they use these methods. It’s recommended to hire a professional due to  the risks with poison which can be dangerous if not used properly; if residents inadvertently scatter it around or don’t follow the instructions on the labels correctly it could be ingested by pets or small children. One case in Oakville, ON, a resident carelessly scattered rat poison to kill pests and ended up killing three dogs and left a couple other dogs seriously ill. Read more on Global News here.

Professional Rodent Removal

As stated, we highly advise to use a professional for rodent removal. There are risks when hosting mice and rats and even more when incorrectly handling the situation. You can read further on in our articles mice removal and rat control. SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated will arrive at your home to get details on the situation, find out where you have seen rodent or rodent activity or have heard them. We will then assess the interiors and exteriors of your home or business. The entrances they get through will be covered with mesh and foam insulation to prevent further pests from entering. Bait stations will be set up in your property in strategically placed areas. The bait will be in a locked government approved, tamper resistant station. A follow-up may be required afterwards to re-apply control measures if necessary..

Call SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated at 647-994-9453 for Rodent Removal


Mice control

Last Updated: May 2021

If you think you have a mice control problem SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated can help. Professional mice control involves removing the mice from your home by sealing the animal entry holes and setting bait stations or traps for the mice depending on your infestation situation.

Signs you need Mice Control

If you are hearing scratching or gnawing noises at night, there is a good possibility you have a mouse issue. You will also know you have mice by droppings, by odors and through finding bite marks on certain foods and household items. Make sure you call SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated, Toronto rodent removal experts right away. Don’t let a small rodent issue in your home or business turn into a huge infestation problem.

The most efficient mice control methods are those administered by trained pest control experts

Is Mice Control Necessary?

Yes, living with mice can put you at risk of health issues. Mice droppings are unhygienic and need to be cleaned up immediately as the smell may also attract more rodents. About 6% of mice can carry the hantavirus disease in their urine, feces and saliva that can infect people. All mice and their droppings should be treated as infectious and dangerous. Mice will also cause a lot of damage in your home by chewing. Having wildlife in your home, especially rodents must not be taken lightly. When you’ve got a mouse or a family of them in your house, call the experts.

Populations grow rapidly and are extremely difficult to eradicate. It is best to target infestations when colonies are small

SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated Mice Control Service

How do professionals get rid of mice? Well each mice control case is entirely unique. when you contact SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated we will ask you numerous questions prior to engaging in any extermination or control methods.

Questions that will help implement a strategic solution include

  • What is the size of the property?
  • Is it detached?
  • Where have you seen the mice?
  • What noises are you hearing and when?
  • How long have you had them?

Your answer helps assess your mice control situation and implement a program based on whats deemed necessary. We will come to your home and inspect the outer perimeter to find entry holes. If we find entry points for the mice in the exterior inspection and they are minor holes we can plug them for you. We will then go into your house and implement the best option whether its mouse traps, mechanical traps, glue boards or bait stations. The bait stations are inaccessible and locked, although they must never be tampered with unless you are a trained and licensed professional. They are strategically placed throughout the infrastructure of your home.  Extreme caution and safety is exercised when implementing mice control measures.

  • Please be patient, depending on the infestation level effective control can take a period of time.
  • Do not move or tamper with any stations or traps
  • Do not use any other mice control products as it may work against our rodent control measures
  • Follow recommendations given by technicians like removing food sources, sealing containers, keeping floors very clean and removing trash regularly.
  • Technicians will return at a time convenient for you and them to check the situation and remove bait and traps.

Call SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated at 647-994-9453 for Mice Control