Why Should You Hire a Professional Raccoon Removal Company?

Raccoons may be adorable creatures. However, their intelligence and cleverness are now giving many homeowners in Canada a headache.

There are already reports about these masked bandits causing trouble among Canadian homeowners, especially that they have slowly developed a penchant for living near human territories. While some manage to find their way into attics and build shelter, others rummage through garbage bins just to find food.

Yes, those may not sound like serious problems. But once they are able to set up a permanent shelter in your own personal space, know that removing them won’t be easy. Because they are smart, they will always find a way to escape and avoid capture.

In the event that you find yourself in that situation, your best option is to seek raccoon removal services in Toronto. Well, if you’re still not convinced about calling experts to do the raccoon removal job for you, maybe the following reasons will change your mind:

1. Raccoons can be very aggressive.

When a raccoon is cornered, it can become aggressive. This is especially true if the raccoon is a female with a litter of pups. Once it feels threatened, it will create noise. And then, if you try to chase or trap it, it will do everything to escape, even attack you. Obviously, it’s a job that only professional raccoon removal companies can do.

2. A raccoon’s bite can give you rabies.

Like other animals in the wild, raccoons may also carry diseases. That means the idea of removing a raccoon from your place is not a favorable idea.

The most common disease that raccoons carry is rabies. When an infected raccoon bites a human, it can inflict so much pain. Even worse, it can lead to death.

3. Raccoon repellents do not always work.

Of course, you are free to use a raccoon repellant to keep raccoons at bay. Unfortunately, not all raccoon repellents are created equal. Some of them work, but others don’t.

There are raccoons that can withstand the smell of these repellants. Thus, investing in these products might only be a waste of money.

4. Raccoon removal professionals are equipped with proper industry knowledge.

Raccoon removal Toronto service providers are backed with the necessary knowledge, training, equipment, and experience that are required to safely and humanely get rid of raccoons. They also know how to keep these creatures from coming back.

Some of them will also gladly carry out other related tasks, such as damage structural repairs and restorations, as well as urine cleanup services. If you don’t hire a professional to do all these things, it is likely that your raccoon problems will keep coming back in the future.

5. Specialists use humane animal removal methods.

Again, raccoon removal specialists possess the required skills to deal with these nuisance animals in a humane way. Unprofessional service providers may only tend to use methods that can harm the animal.

Always remember that treating raccoons the wrong way may put you in trouble with the law and some animal rights activists. Just to be safe, call qualified and reliable raccoon removal specialists.

6. You can get an honest assessment of the situation from professionals.

If you contact a professional raccoon removal company, rest assured that your problem has been taken cared of before they consider the job done. They will provide you an honest assessment of the situation first and do everything they could to ensure you end up satisfied with their service.

Sometimes, they will also share handy tips to prevent future raccoon infestation problems So, before you make a decision, be sure that you will be dealing with a legit raccoon removal specialist.

Our Professionals Can Help with Raccoon Removal in Toronto & the GTA

Raccoons may be considered threats to your properties. However, their presence should not keep you from living a comfortable life. Hire a professional raccoon removal company the moment you find out you have a raccoon infestation problem. By doing so, you won’t have anything to worry about in the coming years.

Now, if you are looking to work with a professional raccoon removal company in Toronto, look no further than SOS Wildlife Control. Our specialists have been properly trained to perform wildlife removal services that are in accordance with the laws.

You might also be interested in the following articles regarding raccoon removal:

Raccoon Removal Tips
How much does raccoon removal cost?

If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach out to our experts by calling Call 647 994 9453.


Say “Hello” to the Squirrels of Toronto

Toronto is home to a wide variety of squirrel species. These little rodents are so common in the wildlife scene of the city that you commonly see them along tall establishments or dancing from one tree branch to another.

However, these squirrels don’t just entertain our eyes by running and bouncing around the yard. Sometimes, they go beyond that, invading homes in search for a safe place that will provide them shelter.

Even though the squirrel population in Toronto seems diverse, there are squirrel species that populate the vicinity. Knowing how to identify these squirrel species will help you deal with them properly and seek the right squirrel control services.

Eastern Grey Squirrels

The black and grey squirrels may look different, but they actually come from the same species. They only vary in coat color. Both these squirrels belong to the eastern grey squirrel family. You can easily identify them because their fur appears grey. However, in some cases, they turn brownish or black.

The tails of these creatures are long and bushy. They typically measure around 40 to 50 cm. In terms of food, they prefer to eat acorns because they can quickly process the proteins found in them. It is for that reason why we commonly see the eastern grey squirrels out and about our yards, particularly during the cold season.

Red Squirrels 

Unlike the eastern grey squirrels, red squirrels are smaller. But when there are lots of them to deal with, their size won’t matter.

The red squirrels are easily distinguished because of the changes in their coat color that depends on the season. When it is warm, their fur turns reddish with patches of white on the belly. When the temperature drops, the white patch on their belly becomes grey.

In terms of tail size, the red squirrel’s tail only measures about 10 cm. Then again, don’t let its size fool you. Like other squirrel species in Toronto, red squirrels can invade your home if they feel it’s a great place to build a shelter.

Why Squirrels Love Toronto

Toronto is a favorite city for squirrels because everything they need to survive is here, including food. As long as they have access to tons of food supply, they can breed more often and give birth to bigger litters.

With the rising squirrel population in the city, the wildlife department of Toronto advises people to avoid feeding these creatures. Squirrels can find food on their own. Once they see a potential food source, chances are, you are helping increase their population.

What You Should Do

True, there are tons of wildlife species in Toronto. While show up in the public, others prefer to hide in the wilderness.

Now, if you suspect that the squirrel population in your area is becoming uncontrollable, whether it’s the red or eastern grey squirrel, seek help from wildlife removal service providers in Toronto area. They can identify what squirrel species you are dealing with and take appropriate actions to humanely and safely remove them. Just do not attempt to remove them on your own.

Government Takes Action Against Rabies, Distributing Rabies Vaccine Baits Across Western Toronto

In an effort to control and prevent the spread of rabies among wild animals, the government of Ontario will begin distributing rabies vaccine baits across Western Toronto.

Distribution Areas

In August, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry will begin hand-dropping baits in selected cities and urban areas. Other than Toronto, they will also target other areas within the raccoon rabies control zone, such as Brantford, Burlington, Hamilton, Kitchener, and Niagara Falls.

In addition, an aircraft will be used to drop the vaccine baits across the eastern and southern part of Ontario, including Hamilton, Niagara Peninsula, and Stratford. By using an aircraft, it will be easier for crews to target forested and rural areas that are impossible to access by foot.

The Rabies Vaccine Baits

The rabies vaccine baits are easily recognizable because of their army-green colour and small size. They also come with a DO NOT EAT label and tons of free rabies details printed on them.

To make the government’s effort effective, the public is asked not to tamper and disturb the dropped baits. If possible, keep pets away from them, too. The vaccine is meant to keep foxes, raccoons, and skunks immunized from rabies.

Although exposure to these rabies vaccine baits is not harmful, pets that ingest these vaccines may experience an upset stomach. If your pet eats the bait, the government urges you to seek help from a veterinarian.

Serious Rabies Prevention Efforts

In 2016, there have been 288 confirmed rabies cases in Ontario alone. One special case involved a bat. In Hamilton, the recorded cases last year involved one red fox, one cat, two bats, 76 skunks, and 127 raccoons.

It is probably because of the alarming number of cases that the government is taking action against rabies. It is expected that they’ll wrap up their efforts in the late fall.

Raccoon Became an Instant Internet Star After Its Death-Defying Climb

Just recently, a raccoon has made it to the headlines of news and social media because of its death-defying stunt, climbing up a 25-storey tower in St. Paul Minnesota.

The little critter’s misadventure started last Monday, June 11, 2018, when it was stranded over the ledge of Town Square building.

Initial Help and Rescue Attempts

The maintenance workers of the building wanted to lure the raccoon to down by creating a 20-foot system of ropes and lumbers. However, instead of climbing down, it fled and started to make its way up to the concrete facade of the tower.

Passers-by started to gather around the streets to watch the heart-thumping action while rescuers from St. Paul’s animal control and the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota made their way to the location.

While watching the little creature’s climb, a woman expressed her thoughts towards the incident. She said she’d be feel devastated if the raccoon fell. Another onlooker stated that if the raccoon is rescued, it would be a very good news story for the world.

How the Raccoon Made It Up the Building

Suzanne MacDonald, a raccoon behaviour expert, admitted she was very worried about the animal. She explained that raccoons don’t really think ahead. Hence, they don’t have a good instinct control. She added that the creature may not have realized what was in for it when it began to climb up.

Initial reports say that the raccoon went up to a lower part of the building in search for bird eggs. However, the workers who tried to help the creature down seemed to have scared it. That is the reason why it did what a raccoon is expected to do when in a stressful situation: it climbed.

An Instant Online Celebrity

The raccoon became an instant Internet sensation as videos and photos of it climbing up the tower made rounds on various social media channels. While some were cheering on the little creature on its every attempt to summit, others were hoping it was rescued as soon as possible.  

Meanwhile, the workers inside the building can’t do anything about the situation. Since no windows and balconies can be opened, they just had to watch anxiously as the raccoon climbed and shared photos on social media to provide updates about the condition and the whereabouts of the creature.

Because of the incident, the hashtag #mprraccoon began to trend, attracting celebrities and famous personalities.

One is James Gunn, the director of the blockbuster film, Guardians of the Galaxy, which starred a smart raccoon. He said he will be donating $1,000 to the chosen charity of anyone who saves the raccoon.

Healthy and Safe

By Tuesday night, the poor raccoon was still on its way up. At the summit, the rescuers from St. Paul Animal Control already placed cat food and some traps, hoping to entice and guide the animal to safety.

It was already 3:30 AM, Wednesday, when the raccoon made it successfully and safely to the top of the tower. Rescuers immediately trapped the raccoon to safety. As soon as rescuers were convinced it was healthy, it was released back into the wild.

You can watch the full video of the incident here.


What to Do to Prevent Birds from Making a Nest at Your Home

It is true that birds can easily capture your attention with their beautiful songs, but when they start taking over your homes, it’s another story. Once you notice that birds are starting to build nests in your outdoor area, you have to take action. Don’t wait for the situation to worsen.  Not only will they block your ventilation system, they will also transmit harmful diseases.

Don’t worry because there is something you can do to keep birds from nesting in your homes. We’ve compiled a few ideas below.

1. Consider using scare tactics.

One effective way to keep birds from nesting and roosting in your homes is to scare them away. That way, they won’t feel welcome. Below are some scare tactics you can use:

  • Plastic Owls and Fake Coyotes – Predators are among the many reasons why birds won’t make a nest in a certain place. So, why not create fake predators to prevent them from making a home in your own? Install plastic owls and fake coyotes within your area. Do not forget to move them around frequently so that birds will not think they are fake.
  • Noise Machines – A noisy environment doesn’t favor birds. For them, it makes them feel uncomfortable. But before you decide to install noisy machines around your home, make sure your neighbors are okay with it. In addition, you need to set it low enough so as not to disturb them.

2. Consider installing physical barriers.

One of the easiest ways to keep birds from building a nest at your roof or ledges is to install a physical barrier. Here are some physical bird barriers available today:

  • Bird Wires – Bird wires are like typical netting installations that utilize several poles to position wires along the ledges. The poles used often have varying height, which creates an uneven roosting place for birds.
  • Bird Netting – Bird nets are readily available in the hardware or in the local market. They are used to keep birds from certain areas that should be off limit to birds, such as the garden. These nets are not only effective at keeping birds at bay, they also repel other pesky critters, too!
  • Bird Spikes – Ideal for flat surfaces and building ledges, bird spikes can deter large bird species from building nests. Although they require regular cleaning once in a while, they are still opted by many homeowners.

3. Hang reflective bird diverters.

To keep birds from roosting in your perches, hang reflective bird diverters. If possible, these reflectors should mimic the eyes of any predator, such as owls and coyotes. As these diverters move and sway, birds should be scared, keeping them away from your porch.

Final Thoughts

Now, if you think you have done everything you can to keep birds from making a nest in your home, but they insist on building a nest, just be responsible. Never use poisons or sticky gels. These methods are inhumane and will only result in injuries.

The best thing you can do is to contact experts like SOS Wildlife Control. These experts can handle the problem in the best possible and humane way.