
What to do if you have a raccoon problem

by | Apr 27, 2016 | Uncategorized

The City of Markham is a wonderful city, with lots of different activities available for everybody. From Markville Mall to Main street Markham or Milliken Park, there is always something to do, for children, adults, seniors, couples families and more. The city is filled with neighborhoods and communities and events and is celebrated for it, as they should be. But like many other neighborhoods around the city, it also has it’s encounters with raccoons every so often.

There are many factors as to why wildlife continuously make an appearance in these areas. Due to deforestation, wildlife like raccoons are threatened with losing their home, which many already have. Corporations are tearing down their natural habitat, driving them to head to the cities where they now adapt as a means for survival. Raccoons like many other living beings need a source of shelter, food and defense. Female raccoons must also consider the well-being of their young if they have, ensuring they can provide for them and offer the babies their basic needs of survival which is why it is important to consider when conducting wildlife control services.

So now people are having to deal with raccoon problems in their neighborhoods, which can be a nuisance to have happen to you and a nuisance to deal with. Raccoons are incredibly intelligent and their features and abilities allow them to carry out their plans of action on getting our properties. It’s a problem when raccoons or any other wildlife make their way into your attic, your garage, leaving damage or messes, so we understand the urgency on wanting to get them out.

There are ways to prevent wildlife from moving towards your property. Here are a couple things to keep in mind:

  • Ensure that your trash bins, compost bins are either shut tight, or out of sight. Raccoons are finding ways to open up our garbage to find food and will often make a mess in the process.
  • Close your doors, garage, windows if not in use. Don’t leave an open entrance that may welcome wildlife onto your property
  • Let children know not to go near unknown wildlife with any food. Raccoons may see this as an invitation to approach
  • Regularly inspect your home for any weak spots or damage where raccoons can find their way through
  • Trim branches if they’re too long and if they’re headed in the direction of your roof. Branches can bridge the gap raccoons need to get onto your roof and in your attic.

Although these tips can help deter wildlife, there are more effective solutions to preventing wildlife from going onto your property.

If you’ve already seen a raccoon on your property, don’t try to remove it yourself. You should always have a trained professional help you when removing any sort of wildlife from your property. By attempting your own raccoon removal, you risk putting yourself in harm’s way or harming the raccoon. Instead call a wildlife control technician to give you a hand.

If you haven’t yet noticed any wildlife on your property, but you want to prevent it, there is an effective solution to this. Conducting wildlife prevention methods will help you avoid having to deal with wildlife intrusions, damages, messes in the future and simply save you the entire hassle.

SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated has years of experience in raccoon removal and wildlife prevention. We conduct humane raccoon removal ensuring that our methods are cruelty free and in line with the rules and regulations of Ontario. For our wildlife prevention services, SOS Wildlife Control Incorporated uses galvanized steel mesh to prevent wildlife from going through. This material is strong enough to keep wildlife from chewing or breaking apart, so you don’t have to worry about wildlife intrusions anymore.

It’s important to solve the problem of nuisance wildlife on your property while keeping in mind why they’ve been driven there in the first place.  It’s possible to co-exist with these raccoons as long as the encounters remain in public spaces and not in your attic, garage etc.

If you notice signs of wildlife in your house give us a call. At SOS Wildlife, we provide superior Markham raccoon removal for residential, commercial, and industrial clients, guaranteeing effective results every single time. Let us help you solve your wildlife problems. Taking action before it’s too late will help eliminate animal damage repair costs. We are available 24/7, 365 days a year, and can easily be reached at 1-800-981-0330. Don’t wait and call us to schedule an appointment for a thorough inspection to help evacuate all your unwanted wildlife guests in the most humane way possible.

Call SOS Wildlife 1.800.981.0330 for Markham Raccoon Removal!


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